Support SJC, Make a Donation.

Your generous contribution, no matter how much, is significant. If you believe in the mission of St. John Chrysostom's parish and are eager to see our parish grow in its services, please donate! We have many desires and dreams to serve God throughout our community, but can only do it with your support. Send your prayers to God on our behalf and send your monetary support.

“Things themselves do not remain, but their effects do. Therefore we should not be mean and calculating with what we have but give with a generous hand. Look at how much people give to players and dancers-why not give just as much to Christ?.”

— St. John Chrysostom

Current Fundraisers

Coming Soon…

Make a Donation.

  • SJC is now accepting STOCK donations. No capital gains taxes on these donations! (Talk to your accountant). SJC has a brokerage account, and for the details, please speak directly with the treasurer or Fr. Daniel.

  • Mail to our PO Box mailing address by check. (We receive 100% of the funds).

    St John Chrysostom's COC

    PO Box 2487

    Mission Viejo, CA 92690

  • Add us as a Payee and send regular checks directly from your bank to our PO Box above.

  • Use our email: We come up as “Saint John Chrysostom American”. (We receive 100% of the funds).

  • SJC is guaranteed to receive 100% of the proceeds using PayPal Charity.

  • Set up recurring donations using the link. A small percentage is deducted if you send from your bank and a larger percentage is deducted if you send from your credit card.